cruise port HOTELs IN
Best cruise port hotels as picked and recommended by members of our groups:

Brazil, Manaus
Bungalows with a stunning surrounding view over the forest
Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge is a cozy and exclusive jungle hotel located in front of Parque Nacional de Anavilhanas
(Anavilhanas National Park), in the margins of Rio Negro (Negro River), 180km from Manaus, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.
They programmed a special package with all the essential Amazon experiences according to the number of days you choose to stay.
The hotel has 16 Standard Cottages, 4 Superior Bungalows, and 2 PanoramicBungalows with a stunning surrounding view over the forest.
The lodge is nestled within a vast stretch of the untouched rain forest, it’s a perfect place to experience the balance between Nature, adventure, and peace, with differentiated services and a lot of comforts.
Anavilhanas Lodge is located about 110 miles from Manaus, in front of Arquipélago de Anavilhanas (Anavilhanas Archipelago), a national park with more than 400 pristine islands.

Brazil - Manaus

blend international classics with exotic Amazonian
Located in the historic center of Manaus, just a few steps from the Amazon Theater, the Hotel counts on 30 exclusive apartments—all facing an indoor garden and a natural stone pool.
The façade, reception, and restaurant preserve the design of a restored historic mansion that dates back to the golden rubber age.
The spacious rooms have a modern and sophisticated design and include a bathtub*, balcony, special linen, convenient amenities, and a whole infrastructure of equipment and services offered by the most premium hotels.
The Fitz Carraldo Bistro offers a contemporaneous menu, blending international classic dishes with the exotic Amazonian culinary.
They also count on a fully equipped gym room and overlooking the hidden garden, a real gem in the heart of Manaus.
The Hotel offers five Standard Apartments, twenty Superior Apartments, and five Premium Apartments—all of which facing the indoor garden and the natural stone pool.
Fitz Carroldo Bistro opens every day during breakfast, lunch, and dinner times, offering an informal environment and contemporary culinary, which blends international classics with exotic Amazonian ingredients.
The bar across the pool offers special caipirinhas, selected wines, and appetizers to order at any time.